The Biodiversity Conservation Handbook is designed to assist state and local policymakers who wish to "think globally and act locally" by developing a state or local biodiversity program. In addition to providing background on biodiversity generally and the importance of such programs at the state and local level, it looks at how science can inform and be incorporated into biodiversity programs, the various legal tools states can use in implementing such programs, and the importance of considering people's social and economic needs in designing biodiversity programs. Last, it examines the steps Pennsylvania has taken to conserve and restore the native biodiversity within its borders.
“Land use attorneys and planners whose jobs involve them in the complex task of fitting development properly into the landscape should have at hand the tools and techniques that are carefully described in the Biodiversity Conservation Handbook. Professor McKinstry and his authors take the 'think globally and act locally' maxim to the next level by providing readers with a number of useful and innovative strategies that can be used to combat the loss of biodiversity. Those who practice, those who teach, and those who care will benefit from this much-needed collection.”
- John R. Nolon
Charles A. Frueauff Professor of Law and
Director of the Land Use Law Center
Pace University School of Law
Author, New Ground: The Advent of Local Environmental Law