EPA Revises State Wetlands Regulations

Volume 10, Issue 5, Page 13

As we come to recognize the vital importance of wetlands to the integrity of our nation's waters and to our economy, we need to find ways to better protect our remaining wetlands. Section 404 of the Clean Water Act is one such tool. Since 1977 states have had the authority to assume the §404 program from the federal government for certain state waters. While Michigan is the only state that has assumed the §404 program to date, several states have expressed an interest in doing so. On June 6, 1988, EPA's Office of Wetlands Protection published final regulations revising the procedures and criteria used in approving, reviewing, and withdrawing approval of state §404 programs. These regulations implement §404(g)-(l) of the Clean Water Act, under which states may assume §404 permitting responsibility in certain waters of the state.

EPA Revises State Wetlands Regulations
SKU: nwn-article-8291