The preparation for the December 1983 Governor's Conference on the Chesapeake Bay [see National Wetlands Newsletter, Vol. 6, No. 1], the Citizen's Program for the Chesapeake Bay selected co-chairman from Maryland and Virginia to conduct five pre-conference workshops. I was privileged to co-chair the Habitat Management Committee Workshop along with Dr. Joseph A. Milhursky of the University of Maryland. For the purposes of our analysis, we divided the Chesapeake Bay system into five major habitat regimes utilizing both vertical and horizontal dimensions. The intertidal habitat, which extends from about one meter above to one meter below the mean tide level, comprises a unique system of vegetation and non-vegetated flats of critical importance to the living resources of the Bay and is commonly referred to by the generic term "wetlands."
Wetlands Protection Oriented to Chesapeake Bay- "The Viriginia Picture"
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