U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulation of Offshore Aquaculture
Environmental Law Institute
Date Released
March 2015

This white paper provides a detailed legal and practical overview of Corps regulation of offshore aquaculture, illustrated through case studies of three offshore aquaculture projects that have recently received Section 10 permits. In addition, it provides recommendations for steps to increase the consistency and timeliness of Section 10 permitting of offshore aquaculture while ensuring that all environmental impacts are effectively addressed.

2015 National Training Workshop on CWA §303(d) Listing & TMDLs

This training workshop provided an opportunity for state, tribal, and territorial participants from Clean Water Act Section 303(d) Listing and TMDL Programs—along with their federal counterparts—to learn about and discuss approaches for implementing CWA 303(d) Program responsibilities consistent with the Vision, methods of identifying progress under the new program measure, and what assistance is needed to accomplish these ends.